Almost no one knows that the secret of beautiful work is to a large extent good faith and sincere feeling.

Vincent van Gogh, Letter to Theo, The Hague, December 1882

It is no easier, I’m convinced, to make a good painting than to find a diamond or a pearl.

Vincent van Gogh, Letter to Theo, Arles, September 29th 1888

How much there is in art that is beautiful, if only one can remember what one has seen, one is never empty or truly lonely, and never alone.

Vincent van Gogh, Letter to Theo, Laken, November 1878

It often seems to me that the night is much more alive and richly coloured than the day.

Vincent van Gogh, Letter to Theo, Arles, September 8th 1888

There are colours that make each other shine, that make a couple, complete each other like man and wife.

Vincent van Gogh, Letter to Willemien, Arles, June 1888

It isn’t the language of painters one ought to listen to but the language of nature.

Vincent van Gogh, Letter to Theo, The Hague, July 21st 1882
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